Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Assembly Language Programming Relevant Contant

Dear Fellows here are Links material relevant to Assembly Language get content from here and remember me in your prayers.
art-of-asm/                                        05-Oct-2017 08:12       -
1994_ARMv7_instructions_set.pdf                    11-Sep-2014 18:59    437K
2004_ARM_assembler.pdf                             11-Sep-2014 19:00      1M
2005_x86_assembleur.pdf                            11-Sep-2014 18:59      1M
2007_ARM_instructions_set.pdf                      11-Sep-2014 18:56    187K
2011 - Assembly Language for x86 Processors 6e ..> 23-Jan-2013 21:37      2M
64 Bit Intel Assembly Language Programming for ..> 07-Jul-2016 14:43      5M
6502 Assembly-Language Programming for Apple, C..> 08-May-2016 00:34     36M
ARM Assembly Language Programming - Pete Cocker..> 07-Dec-2014 21:23      2M
ARM Assembly Language Programming [Cockerell 19..> 08-May-2016 00:40      2M
ARM Assembly Language with Hardware Experiments..> 08-May-2016 00:43     14M
ARM Assembly Language_ Fundamentals and Techniq..> 08-May-2016 00:41      4M
Adressage, directives assembleur.pdf               07-Jul-2016 14:43    320K
Apprendre l assembleur (INTEL - DOS 16 bits).pdf   07-Jul-2016 14:43    449K
Apprendre l_assembleur (INTEL - DOS 16 bits).pdf   07-Jul-2016 14:43    449K
AsmTut.zip                                         07-Jul-2016 14:43     86K
Assembly Language Primer for the IBM PC & XT [L..> 08-May-2016 00:33     12M
Assembly Language Programming for the Atari Com..> 08-May-2016 00:29     67M
Assembly Language Programming_ ARM Cortex-M3 [M..> 08-May-2016 00:43      4M
Assembly Language Step by Step_ Programming wit..> 08-May-2016 00:33      6M
Assembly Language Step-by-Step Programming with..> 07-Dec-2014 21:36      9M
Assembly Language Step-by-Step [Duntemann 1992-..> 08-May-2016 00:34      8M
Assembly Language Step-by-Step_ Programming wit..> 08-May-2016 00:34      4M
Assembly Language Step-by-Step_ Programming wit..> 08-May-2016 00:33      4M
Assembly Language Subroutines [Leventhal & Savi..> 08-May-2016 00:39     41M
Assembly Language for Intel-based Computers (4t..> 08-May-2016 00:32     83M
Assembly Language for x86 Processors (6th ed.) ..> 08-May-2016 00:32      2M
Assembly Language for x86 Processors (7th ed.) ..> 08-May-2016 00:32     12M
Assembly Language for x86 Processors 6th Ed.pdf    07-Dec-2014 21:23      3M
Assembly Language, The True Language Of Program..> 07-Dec-2014 21:23      5M
Assembly_handouts2.pdf                             07-Mar-2016 02:38    101K
Atari Assembly Language Programmer's Guide [Moo..> 08-May-2016 00:40     70M
Atari Roots_ A Guide to Atari Assembly Language..> 08-May-2016 00:36     65M
CoursASM.pdf                                       03-Feb-2009 21:31    449K
Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux..> 08-May-2016 00:33     31M
Guide to Assembly Language_ A Concise Introduct..> 08-May-2016 00:36      2M
How to Program the Z80 [Zaks 1979-01-01].pdf       08-May-2016 00:37     13M
IA-32 Intel® Architecture Software Developer's ..> 07-Dec-2014 21:23      2M
IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming (4th e..> 08-May-2016 00:43      8M
Initiation Assembleur.pdf                          07-Jul-2016 14:43    320K
Introduction to 64 Bit Intel Assembly Language ..> 08-May-2016 00:40      5M
Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Com..> 08-May-2016 00:35      5M
Introduction to Assembly Language Programming_ ..> 08-May-2016 00:32      3M
Introduction to Assembly Language Programming_ ..> 08-May-2016 00:32      3M
Introduction to RISC Assembly Language Programm..> 08-May-2016 00:32      4M
Introduction_to_x64_Assembly.pdf                   07-Mar-2016 02:38    304K
Jones and Bartlett,Introduction to 80x86 Assemb..> 07-Dec-2014 21:25      5M
Langage Assembleur PC.pdf                          07-Jul-2016 14:43      1M
Langage assembleur.pdf                             07-Jul-2016 14:43      4M
Language Programming [Leventhal 1978].pdf          08-May-2016 00:38     14M
Language d_Assemblage Et Mode d_Adressage.pdf      07-Jul-2016 14:43    320K
Linux Assembly Language Programming 2000.pdf       07-Dec-2014 21:25      2M
Linux Assembly Language Programming [Neveln 200..> 08-May-2016 00:29      2M
MASMReference.pdf                                  07-Dec-2014 21:25    646K
MIPS Assembly Language Programming 2003.pdf        07-Dec-2014 21:20    525K
MIPS Assembly Language Programming [Britton 200..> 08-May-2016 00:32    628K
Machine Language for the Commodore 64 and Other..> 08-May-2016 00:37     11M
Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming_ 32-bi..> 08-May-2016 00:41      9M
Pas a pas vers l assembleur.pdf                    07-Jul-2016 14:43      2M
Piton_ A Mechanically Verified Assembly-Level L..> 08-May-2016 00:43     11M
Professional Assembly Language [Blum 2005-02-11..> 08-May-2016 00:35      7M
Professional Assembly Language.pdf                 07-Dec-2014 21:22      7M
Programmation Assembleur Avance.pdf                07-Jul-2016 14:43    269K
Programmation Infomatique Avance Assembleur.pdf    07-Jul-2016 14:43    269K
Programmation Infomatique Avancee Assembleur.pdf   07-Jul-2016 14:43    269K
Programming the VIC_ The Definitive Guide to th..> 08-May-2016 00:40     11M
See MIPS Run (2nd ed.) [Sweetman 2006-10-31].pdf   08-May-2016 00:29      5M
The Art Of Assembly Language 2003.chm              07-Dec-2014 21:38     18M
The Art Of Assembly Language.pdf                   03-Feb-2009 21:31      5M
The Art of Assembly Language (2nd ed.) [Hyde 20..> 08-May-2016 00:42      5M
The Art of Assembly Language.pdf                   07-Jul-2016 14:43     22M
The Zen Of Assembly Language 1990 - Michael Abr..> 07-Dec-2014 21:23      3M
The art of Assembly Language 8086.pdf              07-Dec-2014 21:42      4M
WRITE GREAT CODE, Vol. 2 Thinking Low-Level, Wr..> 07-Dec-2014 21:23      4M
Windows Assembly Language & Systems Programming..> 08-May-2016 00:36     11M
Windows Assembly Language & Systems Programming..> 07-Dec-2014 21:31     13M
Windows Assembly Language and Systems Programmi..> 08-May-2016 00:37     13M
Windows assembly language and systems programmi..> 07-Dec-2014 21:39     13M
Write Great Code Understanding the Machine, Vol..> 07-Dec-2014 21:31      8M
X86 Assembly Language and C Fundamentals [Cavan..> 08-May-2016 00:40      4M
X86 Disassembly.pdf                                07-Jul-2016 14:43      2M
XXXX_ARMv7_thumb_instructions_set.pdf              11-Sep-2014 18:58    289K
Z80 Assembly Language Programming [Leventhal 19..> 08-May-2016 00:44     18M
asmcodes-1.0.2.pdf                                 03-Feb-2009 21:31    274K
initiation a la programmation en assembleur.pdf    07-Jul-2016 14:43    980K
intel_arch_optimization.pdf                        03-Feb-2009 21:31      2M
pc_asm_language.pdf                                03-Feb-2009 21:31    557K
structures.pdf                                     03-Feb-2009 21:31     33K
x86dis.pdf                                         03-Feb-2009 21:31    231K

1St Assignment no 1 ENG201 (Business and Technical English)

Business and Technical English (Eng201)

Spring 2018   
Assignment No. 1
NAME: Muhammad Hamza Baig
Roll No: bc170405478

Q1.      There are different purposes of writing a document i.e. to inform, to persuade, to describe, to prohibit, and to instruct. Read the following paragraphs carefully and choose the purpose of writing from the given options.                                                                                                                                                                     (05*2=10 Marks)
a)      Democrats should get maximum votes this time as they have worked really hard. They have passed health care bill which is going to make it easier and cheaper for you to get insurance, if you happen to be self-employed, working part-time, or working for an employer who does not provide coverage. If you are a young person, you can now stay on your parents’ plan until you are 26 years old. These are big, important changes.

Answer _______ to persuade__________

b)      An employer must provide a working environment which is reasonably practical, safe and without any risks to health. In addition, employers have to assess risks and introduce any necessary prevention or control measures.

Answer ______ to instruct ___________

c)      The Sun is a star at the center of the Solar System. It is a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, with internal convective motion that generates a magnetic field via a dynamo process. It is by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth. Its diameter is about 1.39 million kilometers i.e. 109 times that of Earth and its mass is about 330,000 times that of Earth, accounting for about 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System.

Answer ______to describe___________

d)     With a view to emphasize NAB’s commitment and to express nation’s resolve to meet the future challenges and involve people of the country in the fight against corruption, National Accountability Bureau under the mandate of section 33C of National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 is intensifying its awareness campaign against corruption and is using various platforms to spread its anti-corruption messages.

Answer ________ to inform_________

e)      Drugs should not be used at all because they tear families apart; they are addictive, and destroy lives. Since these problems can develop from any kind of substance abuse, there should be a national prohibition of all forms of drugs, even medical or “soft” drugs.

Answer _____ to prohibit____________

Q2.      Effective writers make the audience believe that the most important person in their business correspondence is "you," the reader. Carefully read the body of the following letter and reproduce it with “Reader-Centered Approach” i.e. the “You Attitude”.
                                                                                                                        (10 Marks)                            
Our company is pleased to announce the loan scheme for house building. In this regard, we can provide the readily available information round the clock.
We can provide the loan in installments and on annual timeframe, whichever is feasible. We can provide information via telephone and through our website. We ensure quick services in terms of availing the loan plus giving loan-information.
In case of any dissatisfaction, our company can be contacted by you. We appreciate your willingness and relationship with our company.

House building schemes are need of the hour for citizens. In this regards many companies provide the information about loan in installments and timeframes of your choice.
Information is available through many sources like telepath and emails and networking websites with the quick services for loan. You can easily connect to the company in case of any problem and dissatisfaction and they will help properly to resolve the current issues.

CS 201 Assignment solution 2018

// created by Muhammad Hamza Baig
// search and find solution on my blog biggnerstart.blogspot.com
using namespace std;

int main()
int limit, sum=0, count=0;   // Define veriable for futher usage
cout<<"Enter the limit in the range <10 ... 150>: ";
if (limit>=10)           //applying condition 
if(limit<=150)    //applying condition 
cout<<"Numbers which are divisible by both 3 and 5 is: ";
for(int i=1; i<=limit; i++)
if(i%3==0 && i%5==0)           //applying condition 
cout<<i<<"  ";
for(int i=1; i<=limit; i++)
if((i%3==0 || i%5==0) && !(i%3==0 && i%5==0))    //applying condition 
sum =sum + i;
cout<<"\nCalculated sum: "<<sum;
for(int i=1; i<=limit; i++)
if(i%3!=0 && i%5!=0)
cout<<"\nTotal Numbers which are not divisible by either 3 or 5 is: "<<count<<endl;
cout<<"Wrong input!! Limit shoud not be greater than 150"<<endl;
cout<<"Wrong input!! Limit shoud not be less than 10"<<endl;

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