Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Some Basic Things A web developer must know about

1.      Difference between front end and back end development
2.      Back End Technologies
3.      Front End Technologies
4.      Full Stack Development

1.      Difference between  back End and Front End Development :

Ø  Front End development: front end development in which a developer, develop website’s user side interface it’s also called client side.

Ø  Back End Development: Back end Development is a server side development in which work performed as data validation, Data Maintenance, Updates and users Data maintenance.
The back end of a website consists of a server, an application, and a database. A back-end developer builds and maintains the technology that powers those components which, together, enable the user-facing side of the website to even exist in the first place.

2.      Back End Technologies :
In order to make the server, application, and database communicate with each other,back-end devs use server-side languages like PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, and .Net to build an application, and tools like MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server to find, save, or change data and serve it back to the user in front-end code       
List of framework use for backend technology are:
i.                   Django (for Python)
ii.                 Spring framework (for Java)
iii.              15 Node.js Frameworks to Know, including MeteorJS and ExpressJS (for JavaScript with Node.js)
iv.              Ruby on Rails.
v.                 Symfony (for PHP)
vi.              JSF (Java Server Faces)

Lists, for back-end languages (in order of my ability to recall):

·         Java (and other JVM languages like Scala, Groovy, Clojure)
·         PHP
·         .NET (C#, VB)
·         Ruby
·         Python
·         Perl
·         Javascript  (Node JS)
·         Actionscript (Flash Media Server)
·         CoffeeScript
·         C (CGI)
·         Erlang
·         SQL for db queries
·         mysql

3.      Front End Technologies:
  The front end of a website is the part that users interact with. Everything that you see when you're navigating around the Internet, from fonts and colors to dropdown menus and sliders, is a combo of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript being controlled by your computer's browser.
            List of framework use for frontend technologies are:
i.                    Bootstrap
ii.                  Semantic-UI
iii.                Foundation
iv.                Materialize
v.                  Material-UI
vi.                Pure
vii.              Skeleton
viii.            UIKit
ix.                Milligram
x.                  Susy
Lists, for back-end languages (in order of my ability to recall):
·         HTML
·         Javascript
·         CSS
·         Actionscript
·         CoffeeScript (compiled to Javascript)
·         XML-based languages (X3D, SMIL, SVG, DITA, some interpreted by the browser, others transformed using XSL)
·         VBScript
·         Silverlight
·         Java (applets)

4.      Full Stack Development:
Full Stack Development refer to the development both sides Frontend & Backend portion of an application. This development process involves all three layers.
xi.                Presentation layer ii.  Back end layer iii. Business logic layer

i.                    Frontend layer (Client Side) in this layer developer have to handle user interface.
ii.                  Backend layer (Server Side) in which developer have to handle data on server like data validation, updates and Data maintenance
iii.                Business logic layers, in this layer make website as how can someone’s contact you and users data handling layer.  it’s also backend layers part but it perform some special tasks like Database data validation
5.       For full stack development you have to must know these things:
i.                    Server,  network and hosting environment
ii.                  Rational and non-Rational Databases
iii.                How to Interact API and the external world
iv.                User Interface and user experience
v.                  Quality Assurance
vi.                Security concern throughout the program
vii.              Understanding of customer requirement and Business need

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